Wednesday 15 September 2010

What to wear under the wedding dress?

This is a question I have recently asked myself.

Of course any under garments I choose will have to be nude or ivory/white coloured preferable, and it has to be comfortable and practical for the whole day. No use feeling like a tightly squeezed lemon on the biggest day of your life!

However, I do want it to be sexy and controlling as well.

Many women opt for the 'body shaper' which I'm assured works a treat for keeping all those lumps and bumps at bay....but is it really very comfortable to wear for the whole day?

I want to be able to laugh, cry and dance until my hearts content on the day but I have to wonder if wearing masses of body armour will prevent me from doing cartying out such activities.

Will I be crying from the wave of emotions rushing over me or will I be crying from the pain and discomfort of the girdle tightening it's grip around my waist!?

The options seem limited. I can't seem to find any shapers that look sexy, are controlling but not to the point of oxygen starvation and are priced reasonable.

The other option may be to ditch the body shapers and instead opt for a strapless bra and matching frenchies. How comfortable this option would be is undoubtedly profound but it would be a cheaper and perhaps somewhat easier option.

Perhaps I wouldn't even need a bra, after all the dress is corseted with a lace up back and boned throughout the top half. Maybe the dress in itself would be structured enough to keep my body under control!

Perhaps I should just wait for the dress to arrive? Getting a little ahead of myself me thinks!

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